lunes, 25 de marzo de 2019

Toda la trilogía Amada por una manada de deinonychus, gratis en Amazon.

Ya está disponible la lectura gratuita de toda mi obra en Amazon en la fórmula de Kindle Unlimited. También seguirá siendo posible adquirirla como libro electrónico y como libro físico como hasta ahora. Es simplemente otra forma de llegar al público que quiere leer y releer estas novelas.

A leitura gratuita de todo o meu trabalho na Amazon agora está disponível na fórmula do Kindle Unlimited. Também continuará sendo possível adquiri-lo como um livro eletrônico e como um livro físico como tem sido até agora. É simplesmente outra maneira de alcançar o público que quer ler e reler esses romances.

The free reading of all my work on Amazon is now available in the Kindle Unlimited formula. It will also continue to be possible to acquire it as an electronic book and as a physical book as it has been up to now. It is simply another way to reach the public that wants to read and reread these novels.

La lettura libera di tutto il mio lavoro su Amazon è ora disponibile nella formula Kindle Unlimited. Continuerà inoltre ad essere possibile acquistarlo come un libro elettronico e come un libro fisico come è stato fino ad ora. È semplicemente un altro modo per raggiungere il pubblico che vuole leggere e rileggere questi romanzi.

Hay mucho que disfrutar en esta vida, no dejes que nada ni nadie se interponga entre tú y tu felicidad. Disfrutar de la vida, de tu vida, es tu derecho. Estas novelas están hechas para disfrutes libremente lo que otros quieren que sea tu placer culpable. 

C'è molto da godere in questa vita, non lasciare che niente o nessuno si frapponga tra te e la tua felicità. Goditi la vita, la tua vita, è un tuo diritto. Questi romanzi sono fatti per godere liberamente di ciò che gli altri vogliono che sia il tuo colpevole piacere.

There is much to enjoy in this life, do not let anything or anyone stand between you and your happiness. Enjoy life, your life, is your right. These novels are made to freely enjoy what others want your guilty pleasure to be.

Há muito o que desfrutar nesta vida, não deixe nada nem ninguém ficar entre você e sua felicidade. Aproveite a vida, sua vida, é seu direito. Esses romances são feitos para desfrutar livremente do que os outros querem que seu prazer culpado seja.

Virginia Lauda.

The Jurassic World: The exhibition. Commented and photographic report

The Jurassic World: The exhibition. Commented and photographic report

As a fan of dinosaurs for many reasons I could not stop visiting the show that has come to Spain under the name of The Jurassic World: The exhibition. This is just the embodiment of the movie Jurassic World, the new trilogy that is taking advantage of the old Jurassic Park. They promise to make us feel as if we were on Nubla Island.

Here we huddle to enter. You have to do it with a predetermined time so as not to miss "the boat" that will take us to the island.

Everything is decorated with posters is images of what we will find and what we are going to have fun with the flesh and blood dinosaurs.

During the supposed trip by boat, in which we even see the sea through virtual windows. They show us a documentary telling us about the cloning techniques they use.

The entrance. While the tourists come in, the music of the film is heard in the background and the truth is that I can not say that I did not like it,

First dinosaurs. It is a side-sized neck that moves and blinks. It is very successful just as the movie showed us. Similarity to dinosaurs as we know them with current techniques? Any.

Second dinosaur. Another neck that moves and emits sounds. The good thing is that this is easier than taking pictures and taking a selfie with him.

We enter another room and we find this specimen and its young. It is a Pachyrhinosaurus and nods to and fro giving a good sense of reality. Feathers? For what?

Explanatory poster of the Pachyrhinosaurus.

We go to the incubation center, and we even see some "babies" dinosaurs and amber stones (fake) inlaid. There were children who did not understand about amber, I guess they would not have seen the movie or they just do not understand how the DNA of dinosaur blood inside the mosquito's stomach has not degraded after millions of years. I do not understand either, really.

The next stay in the room where we will see a special velociraptor, the famous "Blue".Here I did not get decent photos because it was very dark. It consisted of a zoo cage where the velociraptor appeared, the size of a deinonychus and without a single pen or similar. What they did have were the legs of people in black tights, whose dissimulation was perhaps what motivated the darkness of the room. The function is that they want to teach things to girls and show what is already known to be false.

We move to another room where there are activities for children like digging up fake fossils or painting dinosaurs. They also show a sauropod femur bone and they invite you to touch it carefully but they never make it clear if it is real or a reproduction. They play catch-up so I guess it's false like judas. After there we go to another of the main courses.

You can already imagine it.

The Tiranosaurus Rex

The Tiranousaurus Rex moves gracefully and attacks a poor car that is next to a caged goat. It is a reproduction of the most famous sequence of the first film of the old franchise. Today we know that the T-Rex are not like that but they will not let reality spoil them a good chance to earn money.

We went to another room with two very nice animatronic herbivorous dinosaurs, but while an image appears on a screen of a young girl, who has already identified herself in the ship's room as the director of the (I forgot to mention it) she tells us that We have to leave because something has gone wrong and our security is in danger. Come on, they've escaped the dinosaurs and they're going to eat us.

After this, there is the Merchandising store and the exit.

At the exit, which is next to the entrance, we find these cute Velociraptores the size of Deinonychus and whose resemblance to what we know today of these animals, are false to the greatest extent.


The Jurassic World: The exhibition, is an entertaining show based on the Jurassic World movies but has a high price (about 20 euros the ticket) and it is covered in 45 minutes.
On the other hand, during the whole tour do not stop telling you that it is all educational and that children will enjoy watching the real dinosaurs, seasoned with what looks like science Etc. Everything is false though. Today we know that dinosaurs were never like this and even at the time of Steven Spielberg's original trilogy, they were still considered that way. We are told that dinosaurs are birds but what they look like is lizards and without a single feather. In any of my novels of the trilogy " Beloved by a herd of deinonychus " there is better documentation and more reliable data of what can be found in this show.

A failed, entertaining, but failed, as the entire Jurassic World-Jurassic Park franchise.

Available with the rest, on Amazon.